Created: August 22, 2024 Last Updated: September 8, 2024

Hey there! I’m Paul Berg. You can find out more about me below.

If my profile resonates with you, ping me on WhatsApp or Telegram. I’d love to hear from you.




Outgoing introvert, ambitious, enthusiastic, deeply curious, driven to understand the fundamentals/first principles behind stuff, introspective and self-aware, caring, adept at delaying gratification.


Finances and Looks

World Views

Open-minded classical liberal. I think people should have freedom, but I also believe in objective morality, i.e. that some things are a bad idea.

I value traditions as a good starting point, but I also think they can be improved through conjecture. I believe strongly in the advance of human progress.

Compass-wise, I am a centrist with a Libertarian bent.
